10.4 Responsibilities

10.4.1 Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management

The Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management is responsible for ensuring that these policies and rules are applied consistently and adhered to at all times. The Vice President is also responsible for explaining matters related to construction and facility management to the University Senior Level Executives and, as appropriate, to the community as a whole. The Vice President is also responsible for receiving, evaluating, communicating decisions, and implementing agreed requests for new construction, modifications to facilities and allocation of space on the campus.

10.4.2 Campus Building Section

The Campus Building Section is primarily responsible for land acquisition and new construction, and for necessary interactions with central and local government departments in connection with construction matters. This Section is also responsible for the management of non-academic spaces (including administration and Campus Village areas).

10.4.3 Facilities Operation & Use Section

The Facilities Operation & Use Section is primarily responsible for the fit-out and modification of the buildings and facilities to accommodate research equipment and to meet the operational requirements of researchers. This Section is also responsible for managing and tracking the allocation of space to researchers and preparing laboratories.

10.4.4 Facility Management Section

The Facility Management Section is primarily responsible for the overall operation and maintenance of all land and facilities utilized by the University at the Onna Campus and elsewhere. This includes responsibility for optimizing the use of energy, water and other utilities. This Section is also responsible for vehicles, safety (except the safety of research activities, which is the responsibility of the Secretary General (Chapter 13)), access management and the physical security of the campus and facilities. It shall procure and manage, among other things, janitorial, landscaping, and security services for the University’s buildings and land.

10.4.5 Budget and Contract Management Section

The Budget and Contract Management Section is primarily responsible for tenders, contracts management and facilities budget control, and payment, and for necessary interactions with and reporting to central and local government departments. This Section is also responsible for the fixed assets management of the campus and facilities.

10.4.6 Collaboration between sections

There is inevitably overlap among the responsibilities set out above, and when and as necessary, all staff of the Division of Buildings & Facilities Management shall cooperate to ensure efficient construction, operation and maintenance of the University, and to ensure that there are no gaps in the services provided.

10.4.7 Space Allocation Committee

The Space Allocation Committee (SAC) is a committee to manage and coordinate the allocation of space at the University. It has delegated authority to make and review space allocations across the University's estate. The SAC will meet at least once per month at a regular time in the month to evaluate, compare, and adjust space allocation requests to allocate space to maximize efficiency and fairness of facility use.

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