10.5 Procedures

10.5.1 How to Request Permanent/Semi-Permanent Allocation of  Space

Complete and send the designated form to the Space Allocation Committee. Space allocation requests will then be processed by the committee taking into account space available and other requests.

NOTE: Allocation of class rooms and similar teaching spaces must be coordinated through the Office of the Dean of the Graduate School.

10.5.2 How to Request Modification of Facilities and Buildings

Initially, contact the Vice President or one of the Section Leaders of the Buildings & Facilities Management Division. They will make a preliminary evaluation of the request, and if it is considered feasible, will then request detailed information on specification, proposed timing, etc. If the proposed construction is major (if it comprises more than a renovation), the Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management must bring the proposal to the Senior Level Executives for consideration. Some changes can be made internally, but others will require the involvement of external consultants and contractors.

10.5.3 How to Request New Construction

Initially, contact the Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management, who will make a preliminary evaluation of the request. If it is determined to be feasible and in keeping with the overall Master Plan for the University, more detailed information (e.g., amount of space required, specification, proposed timing, etc.) will be required. New construction will often require specific budget request and allocation in a future fiscal year, so requests should be made well in advance.

10.5.4 To Obtain a Security Pass

A security card for a newly arriving employee will be requested to the Facility Management Section by the HR Recruiting and Training Section and a newly arrving student will be requested to the Facility Management Section by the Student Affairs Section. A request for a new security card for any other party (vendor, guest, contractor, visitor, etc.) should be made to the Facility Management Section after obtaining the approval of the responsible person in the Unit or Section making the request, using the designated form. Applications should be made at least 3 days in advance.

10.5.5 To Change Access Rights on Security Pass

An application to change the access rights on a security card should be made on the designated form after receiving the approval of the supervisor of the person requesting the change, or approval from the related facility management person in charge. Applications should be made at least 3 days in advance.

10.5.6 To Allow Use of Security Pass by Outside Party

A request to lend a security pass to an outside party (e.g. a visitor or workshop participant) should be made using the designated form after receiving approval from the person in charge of the related section or unit. Applications should be made 1 week in advance

10.5.7 To Apply for Use or Duplication of a Key

Keys to rooms or equipment in the facilities will be provided when necessary. A request to use a key should be made using the designated form after receiving approval from the person in charge of the related Section or Unit. When a copy of a key is needed, a request should be issued to the Facility Management Section using the designated form. Users must not make copies of keys themselves. Applications should be made 1 week in advance.

10.5.8 When a Security Pass or Key is Lost

When you lose a security pass or key, advise the Facility Management Section immediately. Explain the circumstances to your supervisor, and after obtaining their approval, submit a notification using the designated form. Every effort must be made to locate the lost item, and in certain cases, you may be asked to submit a letter explaining the circumstances of the loss.

10.5.9 To Change the Security Setting of a Facility or Room

To change the security setting of a facility or room, obtain the approval of the person responsible for the space then submit a request to the Facility Management Section using the designated form. Applications should be made 1 week in advance. If a programming change or construction work is required, the date of the change will be set after separate consultation.

10.5.10 To Request Non-routine Cleaning Service

When cleaning other than the scheduled daily or regular cleaning is required, submit a request to the Facility Management Section using the designated form. In principle, applications should be made 1 week in advance. However, in the event of an accident during an experiment or other emergency, you can contact the Facility Management Section or Safety Control Center (Bosai Center) directly. In this case, the form should be submitted after the clean-up has taken place.

10.5.11 To Apply for Short-term Use of Carpark

When it is necessary to secure parking spaces for short-term use such as a tour of the campus, event, committee meeting or workshop, submit a request using the designated form. Applications should be made 1 week in advance.

10.5.12 To Obtain Approval to Carry out Work within the University (Construction, Installation of Equipment, etc.)

When a vendor or contractor is to perform work within the facilities, a request should be submitted using the designated form. Applications should be submitted 2 weeks in advance, and work within the facilities must be carried out in accordance with the Work Execution Plan

10.5.13 To Lodge a Claim related to Facility Condition

If you have a problem concerning the air-conditioning, cleanliness of a facility, or other general issue concerning the facilities or building services, submit a claim using the designated form. The Facility Management Section will investigate the issue and if necessary take urgent action. In any event the Facility Management Section shall respond to the claim within 1 week.

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