10.2 Other Considerations


Adequate funding must be budgeted each year to ensure that the infrastructure of the University campus is maintained in excellent condition. This obligation includes forward planning to ensure that sufficient funds are available when major overhaul or replacement of elements of the infrastructure becomes necessary during the life of the University. For this purpose, the term ‘infrastructure’ shall be understood to include, among other things, the campus buildings (Chapter 10.8).


Most of the 213ha Onna campus is owned by and leased free-of-charge from Onna Village, on an automatically renewing 10-year lease first entered into in November 2011 (Lease Agreement). Any proposal to allow use of leased areas by a third party must be approved by Onna Village in advance. The University also owns approximately 8.7ha campus sites which comprises the Seaside House building, eight units of faculty housing and a nature conservation area.


The University must use its financial resources for construction in accordance with the obligations and conditions attached to the use of those resources, if any. Most of the University’s budget is provided by the Japanese government; therefore the University must comply with Japanese public works procurement policies for all nationally funded construction and related works above defined values (Chapter 28).  At the same time, the University aims to achieve the most rational and cost-effective construction procurement possible, so every effort must be made to minimize paperwork and inefficient procurement practices.


The University must minimize the impact of the campus development and all activities taking place within it on the natural environment. To this end, a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment was carried out by an independent consultant prior to the commencement of site development. This assessment identified several species of flora and fauna on the site subject to protection, and set out numerous conditions for the development of the site. Ongoing environmental impact monitoring is conducted of construction activities to ensure that the conditions provided in the EIA Report are being observed. In addition, the University must satisfy prescribed standards for air and water quality in all its activities, and in respect of all waste emitted from the facilities (Chapter 13).


The Campus Village at the University has been developed under a Public Private Partnership (PPP), whereby a Special Purpose Company (SPC) established by a commercial consortium has undertaken to build the housing and related facilities on the campus and then operate them on the University’s behalf for 30 years after completion. The details of the contractual arrangement between the University and the SPC are set out in the Project Contract. The relative roles and responsibilities of the SPC and the University with respect to the management, operation and maintenance of the Campus Village are complex, and the Project Contract should be referred to when any activity by the University that impinges on the Campus Village is contemplated. The rules and procedures related to utilization of the Village by the University personnel (including leasing procedures and conditions, rights and responsibilities of the residents, use of shared facilities, etc.) are set out in Chapter 25: Housing.

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