34.4 Responsibilities

34.4.1 Salary Review Committee: SRC

The Salary Review Committee: SRC is responsible for administering the compensation policies fairly and accurately.

34.4.2 Vice President for Human Resource (VPHR)

Vice President for Human Resource (VPHR) shall establish the SRC and appoint the committee members from OIST Graduate University employees in the relevant positions. Vice President for Human Resource (VPHR) is responsible for reviewing the salary structure annually and proposing necessary changes to the SRC. VPHR is also responsible for ensuring that individual salary levels properly reflect various elements and maintain internal equity.

34.4.3 Human Resource Division

Human Resource Division will serve as the secretariat of the SRC.

34.4.4 HR Management Section

The HR Management Section is procedure to process administering the compensation.

34.4.5 Employees

All University employees and officers must promptly notify the HR Management Section of any changes that could affect their allowances, such as commuting distance or location of residence.

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