1.4 University Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct (Code) is a statement of our shared and mutual commitment to upholding ethical, professional and legal standards in conducting our lives and making decisions within the University community.  The University values integrity, honesty, fairness, diversity, respect for others, and equality of opportunity; it strives to assure that no activity of the University undermines fundamental principles of human dignity.
OIST does not discriminate on the basis of gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, medical condition, race, ethnicity, ancestry, culture, national origin, religion, or marital status. The OIST Gender Code of Conduct further emphasizes the core principles of equality for all individuals regardless of their gender, gender identity, or gender expression.
As members of the University community, all faculty, staff, students, the University officers, members of the Board of Governors, and all University affiliates and volunteers are responsible for maintaining and demonstrating these values and for observing the ethical standards of both the University and the broader community in which it operates. The values contained in this Code of Conduct must be integral elements of the University’s educational, research and business practices.  Each of us also must be cognizant of, and comply with, the relevant external policies, standards, laws and regulations that pertain to our activities.

1.4.1 Applicability

The University’s Code applies to the following members of the University community:

  • Those who are paid by the University when they are working for the University, including faculty, staff, researchers and students;
  • Those doing business with the University, such as consultants, vendors, and contractors;
  • Those who perform services for the University as volunteers; and
  • Those who assert an association with the University (such as alumni).

1.4.2 Business Transactions & Other Activities

Members of the community must transact the University business in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and the University policies, rules, and procedures. Business transactions and other activities within the University may not always be subject to specific laws, regulations, or codes of ethics. In these instances, our core values will govern. The fact that a particular business or other practice is common, customary, or expedient will not justify its use at the University if that practice conflicts with the core values of the University or any other the requirements of the Code.

1.4.3 Protection of Information

Community members receive and generate on behalf of the University various types of confidential, proprietary, and private information. It is imperative that each member of the University community understands and complies with Japanese law concerning access to and disclosure of various types of information.  In addition, each member of the University community must comply with disclosure/nondisclosure agreements with third parties, and with the University policies, rules and procedures pertaining to the use, protection and disclosure of such information.  Be aware that, in some cases, these rules and procedures may continue to apply even after a person’s relationship with the University has ended.

1.4.4 Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment

Members of the University community who serve as faculty or staff owe their primary professional allegiance to the University and its mission. Outside professional activities, private financial interests, or the receipt of benefits from third parties can cause an actual or perceived divergence between an individual’s private interests and the duty of allegiance to the University. 

To help prevent such a potential conflict of interest or commitment (including the appearance of a conflict) from arising, faculty and staff who have other professional or financial interests shall disclose them in compliance with applicable conflict of interest/conflict of commitment policies and procedures set out in the Policies, Rules and Procedures Library at Chapter 22, Avoiding Conflicts of Interest & Security Export Control.

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