20.4.3 Ganjuu Wellbeing Service Opening hours
Ganjuu Wellbeing Service opening hours are shown on the Ganjuu website; however, they may be subject to change due to unavoidable reasons. Occasional services (for example workshops) may be provided at evenings or weekends at the discretion of the Ganjuu Wellbeing Service staff. Appointments
Appointments can be made by submitting an appointment request form (available from Ganjuu Wellbeing Service website) via email, in person or by post into our letter box located outside the entrance door. In addition, we also welcome informal enquiries by telephone, email or in person if community members are unsure whether they need or want formal support and would like to first discuss this with clinical staff before submitting an appointment request form. Location
Ganjuu Wellbeing Service is located at the President's House.

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